Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dius Territorial Warlord’s Prize

Dius Clan Event!

-All characters with 40k + merit can join the event (Edited Ginawang 40k from 60k para madami makasali ang sisipag kasi ng members)
-Players must submit a Screenshot of their Character with Clan window and Character info
Example:  334,364 pts

 To email Along with character username and character name (ONLY)

-Top 5 player with highest score (Fame + Merit) wins

Submission: Aug 17-19 “only”

• 25,000 Fame to be given to any six (6) clan members
• 10,000 Gold to be given to any six (6) clan members
(From TWarlords to  be awarded by gm’s 2-3 weeks after submission)

Note:  -Fame will be inserted to characters (not transferable) 
          - Rank8 characters are over qualified to join the event =p (Wak na kayo)

Thank you for your continued support